Voordurend Campaigns for “Stop Animal Exploitation”

Voordurend is a fashion brand that was born from Bali with business coverage throughout Indonesia. This company has a strong idealism in various lines. In addition to product quality, voordurend always pays attention to social issues in society. voordurend is currently campaigning for animal protection. This campaign is expected to suppress human activity in exploiting animals.
Exploitation of animals for business purposes is very common nowadays. There are millions of animals that are abused by humans. There are many cases of animal cruelty, but not many get the right punishment.
Tigers are one of the most threatened species on the planet. Humans are the most significant predators because poaching is a big threat to tigers. Tigers have been hunted for a long time compared to other animals. Also, habitat loss also greatly reduces tiger populations in the wild.
Voordurend Product and Activity is always based on Love, Art, Respect, Research, Social Issue, Culture, Fashion and Quality. Voordurend is an inspiration for various parties including fellow fashion companies. General Manager voordurend giri tedja setiadi said “if more parties participate in campaigning, it will get better”. Let us preserve this nature by loving all living things in the world, one of which is animals.